5% Discount on All Cultural and Artistic Events with Privia Black!

With your Privia Black credit card, enjoy a 5% discount on all your cultural and artistic events until December 31, 2024!

Üzgünüz, aradığınız kampanya sona ermiştir.
Geçmiş Kampanyalar

Cards Included in the Campaign: Privia Black credit cards

Transactions Excluded from the Campaign: Purchases made using MaxiPoints, product cancellations, and returns are not included in the campaign.

Campaign Conditions: • A 5% discount will be earned on all cultural and artistic events. It is valid for all cultural and artistic expenses both domestically and internationally. • The campaign discounts cannot be combined with special discounts offered at selected Maximum merchants. • The discounts earned within the scope of the campaign will be reflected on your card once the payment transaction appears in the credit card's current period transactions. • Customers will be informed via SMS when the discount amount is reflected and the maximum discount total is reached during the campaign period. • For your foreign currency transactions, the discounts will be reflected on your card in TL. • In case the expense made within the scope of the campaign is partially or fully refunded, the discount earned from the refunded expense will be canceled. • A customer can earn a maximum discount of 500 TL per transaction and per calendar month. • If the campaign is utilized with a supplementary card, the discount will be reflected on the supplementary card. Supplementary cardholders and the primary cardholder cannot earn separate discounts from the campaign.

Additional Conditions: Purchases made outside Maximum merchants are also included in the campaign. İş Bankası reserves the right to stop the campaign or change the campaign conditions. The campaign cannot be combined with other MaxiPoint and discount campaigns.

Maximiles uygulaması kapsamında seyahat hizmetinizi almak üzere www.pazaramatatil.com’a yönlendiriliyorsunuz.

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